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How To Create Website Using Blogger In this tutorial we are going to teach you how you can use blogger to create a free website, you ...

How To Create Website Using Blogger

How To Create Website Using Blogger

In this tutorial we are going to teach you how you can use blogger to create a free website, you won’t be needed to buy any domain and hosting services. In blogger you get both for free. Blogger is owns by google so you do not have to worry  about any issues. You will get thousands of different themes for free which you can use to give a professional look to your website. Without further a due lets start the tutorial step by step.


Firstly visit to and sign in with your Gmail ID and password, if you don’t have an account then you can create it for free by clicking the “sign up” button at the top right corner. Blogger belonged to Google that’s the reason you would be needing an Gmail account for building a website on blogger.
how to create website using blogger,how to create free website


After you finish logging in with your Gmail credentials, you will see “continue to blogger” in bottom of page, just click the same.
how to create website using blogger,create free website


To create a new website just click on new blog button.
how to create website using blogger,create free website


You would need to provide the title and address of your website. You must know that these Domain names are free, therefore they would be already fixed with blogspot,com by default. Bloggeralso provides the option of having custom domain names but we learn how to add custom domain names later on this tutorial.
The domain name must be unique so there are chances that the domain name you want to choose is already registered. In that case you must need to try a different domain name until unless the blue tick gets appeared at the right side of Address field as shown below.
Once it’s done, choose a theme (you can choose any theme at this point, you would be able to change it later at any point of time, we will show you how to do that) and click Create Blog.
how to create website using blogger,create free website

Step 5: Start Blogging

By completing till step 4, you successfully own a website for free. Now, you can start posting posts/articles, click on start blogging.

Step 6: Visit your website

Give your website’s address in the browser and press enter. You would be presented with a website, which you own!!. Initially, you may not like the look and layout but we have not yet finished the tutorial, we will show you every single way to tweak your website, in order to make it look good and professional.

Publish a post/article on blogspot website

Since you have successfully create a website on blogspot, you can now start posting articles on your new website. Refer the below screenshot. Write content, title and hit Publish to publish the post.
When you click publish, it would ask you to share the content on Google+, you may wish to do so as it would become a good source of traffic to your newly created website.

Set the desired permalink structure in Blogspot

You may be wondering what is permalink – It’s a link (Address, which you enter in browser to view your posts) to your post/article
There are two options available when you write a post.

Automatic permalink: 

Blogger would automatically generate the permalink for the current post, based on the title provided in the title section.

Custom Permalink: 

Choose custom permalink in sidebar as shown in the below screenshot and provide the value. Lowers cases words with hyphen(-) in between are the best choices.

Customize your website

You may want to change the look of your website, you can easily do so by changing the theme of the website. You would be presented with a collection of theme. Choose the one, which you like, click on the apply the theme button, provided below each of the theme in library. Alternatively, there are many websites from where you can download the popular and good looking website’s theme for free. We will share some of those website’s in next section.

Download existing theme backup and upload new template to blogger

Go to "My blogs" and click on "Theme", you would find a Backup/Restore button, click on it. In the next screen it would ask you to browse new template or you can download the existing template to the local machine.

find free themes outside Blogger:

If you do not find a suitable website’s theme in Bloggers library then you can get the free themes by searching “free bloggers template” on Google. Select the theme and download zip file from the website. Extract the zip file, in the extract folder you will find a XML file, this is the file you would be needing while uploading the theme to Blogspot.

Upload new theme

You can download the backup of existing theme and for uploading new theme, browse the XML file and click "Upload". It may ask you for widgets, click on "Keep Widgets". 

Change the look of navigation bar

Go to “layout section” from sidebar and click on edit in “Navbar” section. Select the look and style you require and hit save.

Add Favicon to your website

Favicon is a tiny image which you can see at the browser’s tab while opening a particular website. In order to change the default blogspot’s favicon go to layout section and click edit favicon. Choose a square image of size less than 100 KB and upload it. Whenever you do any change in the layout section, do not forget to save arrangement.

Add Gadget to your website

You can add Gadgets to the blog’s sidebar, below navigation menu and in footers. Whenever you click on "Add a Gadget" button in layout section, a popup window would come up where you can browse and add gadgets. Don’t forget to save the settings.

Switch to a Custom domain

Above we have seen how we choose to have a free blogspot domain which was suffixed with blogspot keyword, however if you wish you can purchase a custom domain of your choice and can add it in Settings » Basic. Click on Add a custom domain and give the domain name you have bought.